Emerging Crises Oral History Research Fund

The Oral History Association announces funding of up to $4,000 for one project (or, one applicant) to undertake oral history research in situations of crisis in the United States and internationally. These funds may be applied to travel, per diem, or transcription costs for research in places and situations in which a longer application time schedule may be problematic. Such crisis situations include but are not limited to wars, natural disasters, political and or economic/ethnic repression, or other currently emerging events of crisis proportions.

Mission Statement

Oral history research includes important projects that address current crisis situations in both the United States and internationally, including wars, natural disasters, political and economic/ethnic repression, or other current events of crisis proportions. Scholars conducting oral history research on these types of projects often begin interviewing informants within weeks or months of the crisis or even while the crisis event is unfolding. Obtaining funding for such research is generally difficult because of the extended application time schedule of most funding organizations.

This Research Fund is designed to provide a more expedient source of funding for these meaningful projects through an application process that is brief and that has a quick turnaround between the time of application and a decision on the receipt of funding.

Application Guidelines

1. To apply for a grant, applicants should submit the following materials:

  • A one-page research proposal that addresses the importance and scope of the project. Applicants should explain the nature of the emerging crisis they are researching, provide details about the interviews planned, and suggest arrangements for preserving the interviews and making them accessible for future use.
  • A detailed research budget that demonstrates how the grant funds will be spent. Typically, funds will be spent for travel, per diem, and/or transcription costs, although other reasonable expenses associated with oral history research may be considered. Equipment purchases, however, will not be allowed. A brief justification of all budget items should be included. This fund does not support indirect costs.
  • A current curriculum vitae.

2. The Emerging Crises Oral History Research Fund Committee will review applications and forward its recommendations to the Oral History Association, which will make the award(s).

3. The Committee will make its recommendations within six weeks after the application due date.

The submission deadline is April 15, 2024.

While membership in the Oral History Association is not required, it will be appreciated if you choose to affiliate with OHA, thus supporting its ongoing efforts to enhance the use of oral history historical methods in academic research.

Committee Chair:

Xiaoyan Li, xiaoyanli287@gmail.com, 2022-2025

Committee Members:

Christella Maldonado, 2022-2025
Heather Stone, 2023-2026
Ricia Chansky, 2023-2026
Tonika Berkley, 2023-2026

View Past Award Winners